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Rent a property in Cologne

- Real estate agent Cologne -

Rheingold Immobilien GmbH


Real estate agent Cologne- rent apartment or house

Your contact for real estate search in Cologne. You are looking for a property in Cologne? Whether you are looking for a house or an apartment - we provide you with tools for the search of primarily residential properties. In order to provide you with the best possible service, we, as a training company, attach great importance to the training and expertise of our employees.

Please note that we do not actively search for residential properties due to the "Bestellerprinzip". However, customers in our database (VIP customers) will be gladly informed by us in case of new property offers.

Wohnung Haus suchen in Köln - Immobilienmakler Köln

Searching for rent in Cologne - the right district for everyone

Especially when you move to Cologne, the question is which district is the right one. Do you want it to be louder and more colorful? Do you prefer it quieter? Anonymous or with a strong Veedelsleben?

In the district descriptions you will find exciting background information on the 86 Veedeln. We hope these will help you in your search for your Veedel!

Here you will find information on the neighborhoods in Cologne and the asking rents from the current real estate market report by Rheingold Immobilien.


Real estate in Cologne - which type of property is right for you?

Are you looking for a house? Does it have to be detached or can it also be a terraced house or a semi-detached house? Think about what would be good for you and where you can imagine compromises due to the scarce real estate offers.

Would you prefer a rented apartment? How many rooms, which floor, balcony required, or not? Does a garden have to be included? What about parking facilities? It is best to make a checklist of what is absolutely necessary, what is desirable, and where you are willing to compromise.


Your real estate agency from Cologne for Cologne: Rheingold Immobilien GmbH - living | wishes | values.

We are your Cologne real estate agents for residential property rental - house or apartment for rent in Cologne.